Gnoll Way Home - Chapter 2 Early Access

Chapter two of Gnoll Way Home is now available early for Patreon backers!

  • You can now select chapters directly from the New Game menu.
  • Enhanced the Gallery menu to let you dress up the characters you've met and listen to music you've encountered.
  • Added new Lorebook art for many of the existing entries from Chapter One.

The public release on Itch will follow in a few weeks.

Get Gnoll Way Home


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I want to believe that a new public version will be released soon. I really liked your game.


Yup, will be releasing publicly soon, but if you really like it you can always help support it on Patreon and read it sooner.


MONEY!? You want MONEY!?

In exchange for earlier access to a game with oft naked and eventually romanceable hunky furry critters!?!!?!

*gets out the smut-sock full of the dirty cash...*