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I really hope this one continues past the Game Jam! A bit dark and existential dread mixed in with humor that hits quite well and some themes that I'm rather fond of. I would definitely love to add this to my collection of games I regularly frequent!

I'd love if it got more of a sandbox feel where you can visit multiple worlds whenever and meet up with NPCs whenever you'd like to keep the AMOS pumping. Also bonus points if MC goes a bit more switch than top to cater to us bottom types!


Eu queria saber como passar dessa parte na versão Android


You can use the ‘help’ command in the console to find what commands are available to progress.

Spoilers for Console

After checking the ‘help’ command list, we see the ‘go’ and ‘worlds’ commands. Consulting the ‘worlds’ list, we see that world id ‘welcome007’ has open room. So you can type ‘go welcome007’ to go there.

im in a bind, I type that, spaces and no and it just loops me back to start

nvm got it